
How to turn off your computer’s updates


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In the blog, I tell you what is windows update whatever the functionality Microsoft has given you,
 you can download the internet usage by refreshing the new meaning.

 The first option is here. install updates automatically. this means that when you turn on your computer and  then your computer will start taking autoupdate. After this here the second option has been that downlod updates but let me choose whether to install them this means that whenever you choose update the computer you can uptdate it with your condition.

 third option has been good,check for updates but let me choose whether to download and intall them tell it means that your driver is not supporting the computer, then clicking on it, from the internet it will automatically download the driver of your computer size which supports your computer.

 fourth option is never check for updates it means that it will not update your computer without your if we have to stop updating our computer then we will choose the fourth option, so our computer will stop taking updates.


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