
How to access any computer without password with Hiren’s boot CD


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I will tell you in this blog how you can access without any password inside any computer, copy the files inside it to your computer, and if you computer has been damaged for some reason and you have an imported

file that computer if you want to remove your files form the computer without  a passward, then you can remove it form the computer. many times it happens that you have to complete your project and your computer gets spoiled at the same time then in that situation , if you give a computer or a center to fix your computer then some time with the center will take some time. you can use this app to avoid the time that

I am in today’s blog I am going to tell you why you can remove any of your own data or a file form your computer due to this app or CD. how can you remove it.

Below I am linking to that app you have to click on it and you have to go inside that website. you will see 500 Mb or more of that app or the app for work you have to install it on your computer and in the next bolg I will tell you how you can use it and run it by using it in your computer.

(Hiren boot cd. app downlod ) click on link


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