
How to install redhat Linux 5 /Rhel5


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How do we install Linux on the inside redhat, today i’m going to tell you through a video before we do a few things about the linux. Linux is a type of operating system that is completely different form the window. Linux is better than window, therefore it is used to bring large companies and it is more secure than windows. the hacking changes are very low. that is why companies use linux more

So guys, first of all, I want to let you know like windows 7,windows 8,windows 10, in the same way there are Rhel4, Rhel5,Rhel6 for inside linux

Let’s start with guys, how do we install a redhat in the inside of it, right now i am telling you how to install the redhat in the virtual Machine, but if you have to install the Redhat on your real machine then I have given the video, you have to do same to same do only what I have told in the video how the Redhat is being installed, you have to do the same bean on you real machine.


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